SMEs internationalization

Our Services

we support SMEs who are planning to enter the Italian market by offering a number of professional services.

Opening an office in Italy

Establishing a local branch requires a intense knowledge of the country and a wide network of people who are able to help. We can do this by addressing your specific needs of the business (e.g., legal, logistics, personnel, etc.). We can you help in all this aspects through our network.

PR activities

We can help in establishing media relationships, create business events, create partnerships with local companies, etc.

Define a targeted business/marketing plan

We have a extensive knowledge of the Italian market and we can help in customizing your vision to the specific environment taking into consideration all the variables (e.g., regulations, taxes, salaries, etc.) that are important to create a profitable business activity.

Helping to hire Italian talent

We can help you in defining suitable profiles, connect with local headhunters, find freelance collaborators, etc.


Promote your products in Italy

We support SMEs in understanding the Italian market and correctly place your products through a number of professional services to define a targeted marketing campaign.

We can help through a set of targeted activities, including:

Social Media Marketing


ADV Campaign

In The Kitchen

Here Are The Authors Of Our Digital Sweets

Lo chef

Elisa Lastrico

Account Manager

Marica Borboni


Giulia Barucco


Silvia Cascio


Valentina Fusco

Illustration Artist

Alfonso Di Mauro


Anna Franchi

Digital Support

Bora Muca


You Can Find Us Face-To-Face
In Bolzano, Genova And Brescia.

Schedule your meeting online or offline.

As with muffins, it’s love at first taste.